
Welcome to the first Latin American meeting of Neuroscience & Philosophy! This first edition will focus on the areas of Sleep, Dreams, and Consciousness research, and will take place on November 9th and 10th 2023 at the Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA) in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Thursday 9h November
9 h Registration and welcome
9.30 h Carlos Montemayor (San Francisco State University, US): Memory, consciousness, and dreams.
10.30 h Coffee break
11 h Pablo Bartffeld (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba / CONICET, Argentina): Consciousness markers in dynamic brain activity.
12 h Marina Trakas (Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, CONICET / Lab Sueño y Memoria, ITBA, Argentina): Dream emotions: What are they? A first approximation to its nature.
13 h Lunch
14 h Camilo Miguel Signorelli (FNRS, Belgium / University of Oxford, UK): Are there theories of consciousness? The science of consciousness beyond neuroscience.
15 h Cecilia Forcato (Lab Sueño y Memoria, ITBA, Argentina): Can the mind "exit" the body? A neuroscientific perspective on out-of-body experiences.
16 h Coffee break
16.30 h Boyu Xie (McGill University, Canada): From the dream body to the visceral body - Towards a respiratory hermeneutics of sleeping and dreaming.
17 h Rocío Martinez Vivot (Universidad Católica Argentina / CONICET): Impact of a mindfulness-based school program on social relationships, emotional, attentional and physiological stress regulation in children presenting multiple adverse childhood experiences.
17.30 h Francisco Gallo (Lab Sueño y Memoria, ITBA, Argentina): Comparing dream content and structural differences in lucid dreams, out-of-body experiences, and non-lucid dreams.
18 h Anna Ciaunica (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal): (Un)real dreams : Space, time and self experiences in depersonalization.
Friday 10th November
9 h Felipe Beijamini (Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, Brazil): Sleep to solve creative problems and dream up your academic performance.
10 h Melanie Rosen (Trent University, Canada): Dreaming the unimaginable: Epistemically transformative experiences in sleep.
11 h Coffee break
11.30 h María Juliana Leone (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes / CONICET, Argentina): Chronobiology of education: Effects of school start times and chronotype on adolescents’ sleep and academic achievement.
12 h Malena León (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba / CONICET, Argentina): Reconsidering the role of consciousness in artificial creativity.
12.30 h Carlos Francisco Arias (Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina): The relationship between youth screen media use late at night, sleep-wake circadian rhythm changes in puberty, and academic performance.
13 h Lunch
14 h Ryan Daley (Gordon College, US): Memory and moral evaluations in the lab and beyond.
15 h Mariela Aguilera (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba / CONICET, Argentina): Animal's consciousness: An argument for an integrative account of spatial awareness.
15.30 h Patricia Agostino (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes / CONICET, Argentina): Role of the circadian clock in motivation for a reward.
16 h Poster session + Coffee break
17.30 h Tony Cunningham (Harvard Medical School, US): The future of sleep, dreams, and emotional memory research.
If you are interested in our event but did not have the opportunity to register, please reach out to us (find our contact information at the bottom of this page).

Universidad Nacional de San Luis
Dr. Cecilia Forcato
Dr. Marina Trakas
Organizing Committee
Prof. Gabriel Asís
Lic. Matías Bonilla
Dr. Francisco Gallo
Lic. Nerea Herrero
Lic. Candela León
Med. Agustina Lo Celso
Ing. Aylín Vázquez Chenlo
Lic. Vanessa Vidal